Even if you have a great sex life, fireworks flying all over the place – who says it can’t be enhanced with a little extra something? How did that Beatles song go… “With a little help from my fr… Lube.” Yes, lube it is. And there are lots of different lubes out there. Water-based ones, silicon-based ones, oil-based ones… Even coconut oil can be considered as lube.
Different types of lubes serve different purposes. For example, if you’re using a condom, you have to either use water or silicon-based ones. This is because oil-based lubes can damage the material of the condom.
So each type of lube has its own pros and cons. Also, silicon-based lubes can’t be used with silicon-made sex toys. Or, water-based lubes don’t last as long as silicon-based ones, etc… The list goes on and on, as you can see. I can’t really go on and on here, but you can certainly find out more about lubes in my article on why lube makes sex better.
Coconut Oil – the Basics
Oil-based lubricants are another type of lube that can be used. But they also vary in terms of how good they are for the genitals. Generally speaking, synthetic lubes aren’t a good pick as a personal lube. If you wanna use oil-based lubes, plant-based (or natural-based) is a better option. And this is also where we come upon the question of coconut oil as lube. Is it really a good idea? Can you use coconut oil as lube without putting your lady at risk from yeast infections, or other vagina-related troubles? I’ll be talking about this and more in this article. And that only means one thing… make sure you stick around!The Different Uses of Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has lots of uses folks. You can put in on your skin as a moisturizer – there are some reports that it has anti-inflammatory benefits for the skin, and it also serves to create a protective barrier on it. You can put it on your hair and scalp as a means to reduce protein loss in healthy and damaged hair, for one. Some people also use it to make soap, and of course, as cooking oil. Nevertheless, the problem is that there are still lots of conflicting accounts as to its benefits and uses out there. Lots more research needs to be made so we can have a general consensus about coconut oil and its effectiveness. But, there are some promising indications that it is indeed good for the skin, hair, and also as a lube. Next, I’m going to talk about coconut oil as a lube. I’m going to try and debunk some myths on the subject, and give you the facts instead. I’ll also be using as many available scientific sources as I can lay my eyes on. So, sit back, relax, and let the facts guide you to decide whether you want coconut oil to be your next favorite lube!Coconut Oil as Lube – What You Need to Know
In this section I’m gonna talk about the basic info surrounding the question “can coconut oil be used as a lube”. I’ll cover topics such as:- Whether coconut oil increases the risk of vagina infection (very important issue for your lady).
- What kind of coconut oil you can use as lube.
- When you can use coconut oil as lube and how it affects condoms and sex toys.
Can Coconut Oil Increase the Risk of Vaginal Infection?
This is indeed a very important question when it comes to using any kind of lubricant. Some women fear that by using coconut oil they may change the flora of their vagina, along with the pH balance. By doing this, they run the risk of causing vagina infections, such as yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. But, it turns out the answer is a bit more complicated than a simple yes or no. In part, this is because there isn’t a vast body of data on the subject, which means more research needs to be made. But, there have been some studies that confirm the antifungal properties of coconut oil. One study comes from Nigeria, published in 2006, and another comes from Iran, published in 2018. They show that applying coconut oil in the vagina can be just as effective as some antifungal medications such as fluconazole and clotrimazole. A third study from India, published in 2014, claims a similar thing. It notes a number of benefits the coconut oil can potentially have for an equal number of organs, parts, and processes of the human body. Planned Parenthood, which is a reliable authority on things that have to do with genitals and sex life, also says that coconut oil is safe to use as a lube.When isn’t it a good idea to put coconut oil on the vagina?
On the one hand, coconut oil isn’t a good idea to use if your wife is prone to vaginal infections. This is because it can, potentially, disrupt its natural pH balance. And so, problems may arise for women who frequently suffer from vaginal infections, since it can potentially disrupt the pH balance of the vagina. Another problem might be the creation of biofilm on the vagina as a result of applying coconut oil. This is because oil is a thicker, more viscous substance, and it can trap microbes in it, making it harder to wash away. But then, you may say, well, because of its antifungal properties, maybe your wife can treat herself with coconut oil… So we come full circle, which is why I told you, in the beginning, there’s no easy answer to this question. In any event, synthetic ingredients and synthetically made oils such as petroleum (found often in baby oil) or perfumes can probably cause more threat to the vagina’s microflora, than the coconut oil. Also, anything that comes into contact with the vagina can possibly disrupt her delicate flora and pH value. This can range from pads and tampons to sperm and the penis, oral sex, various body wash gels, etc. What’s important is to monitor your bodies and see how they respond to what you put on them. If you notice irritation, wash it away and change the product immediately.How does it affect the penis?
When it comes to the penis and coconut oil, there’s even less info. This is probably because there aren’t any relevant indications that it somehow affects the microflora of the penis. Yeah, you drew the long straw on that one guys! (pun intended :D)What Kind of Coconut Oil Should I Use as Lube?
Here the answer is pretty simple. When you consider what kind of coconut oil you should get as a lube, definitely look for pure coconut oil. Pure coconut oil should be fully plant-based, without any preservatives, dyes, or perfumes. What you need to do is simply to look at the ingredient list. If it says coconut oil only, then you’re good to go. If it lists other ingredients, I’d advise you against buying it. With other additives, you only risk leaving the skin drier or more irritated. Also, very important: make sure to use virgin or unrefined coconut oil. This is the one extracted from fresh coconut fruit, and it doesn’t involve using any high-temperature technology or any chemicals in the process of its extraction.How to Use Coconut Oil as Lube?
You can use coconut oil as any other lube, basically. But there are a few things you need to be careful about:-
- Don’t use coconut oil or other oil-based lubes with condoms. Really, just don’t. Oil and latex simply don’t mix. Because of their physical (chemical) properties, oil can cause wearing, erosion, and even holes in the condom. If you’re using a condom, opt for water-based or silicon-based ones instead.
- Also, don’t use them with latex-made sex toys. Same reason like the one above – they can basically damage the toy.
- Don’t put too much coconut oil on your genitals. Use a small amount to avoid the emergence of the aforementioned biofilm and the facilitation of a “breeding ground for unwanted bacteria or yeast.”
Other things to keep in mind when using coconut oil as lube
- Before putting it on your genitals, test the coconut oil on your skin first. Pick a more sensitive spot, such as your inner forearm for example. After a day or two, if there aren’t any reactions, put a little on both of your genitals. If there isn’t any reaction, great news – go on with that sexy time as intended!
- Use fresh, virgin, unrefined coconut oil as lube. Be mindful of its expiration date, even though coconut oil can last up to half a year without being much affected or spoiled.
- Keep the coconut oil lube fresh by putting it in small containers. Try not to get it wet and also avoid putting your fingers in the jar or container.
- Protect your sheets from oil spots by putting a towel or another kind of fabric when you have sex. And if they do end up with oil spots regardless, or maybe your underwear does, no worries. You can still get them out with a good detergent by putting them in the washing machine. Alternatively, you can also soak them in baking soda before putting them in the machine.