
Natural Viagra: How to Boost Your Libido Naturally

Do you have a low sex drive? A hard time (pun not intended) keeping it up? Hey, it happens to the best of us! Age, stress, alcohol and drugs, your overall health, as well as a bunch of other factors all affect your ability to get it up and keep it hard. So, when you notice your libido has lowered and you don’t like it, well then it’s only natural that you’ll try to search for a solution. Some try pills, but some like to keep it natural and hence look for natural viagra.  

What do I mean when I say natural viagra? Well, it encompasses a range of activities and potential natural products you can use and try to boost your libido.   

Is Lack of Libido a Problem?

Before I cross over to the natural viagra solutions you can try, I want to make one thing clear. If you notice a diminished sex drive, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing, or that it’s some kind of a problem. It’s only a problem if it interferes with your desires and the quality of your life. In other words – lack of libido or a lowered libido is an issue if you believe it is. 

Have a conversation with yourself first – if you think you’re fine the way you are, then great. There’s nothing to fix. But if you’re not okay with it, and your partner is also feeling sexually dissatisfied, then it’s time to search for a solution. 

Your libido or your sex drive doesn’t work as if it had a switch. On the contrary – it fluctuates, and a number of factors and circumstances have an influence. They can range from emotional and psychological, to physical and relational. If you want to work on your libido, you’ll also have to identify if any of them are the culprits, and then, of course, work them out. 

Trying Natural Viagra – How Can You Boost Your Libido Naturally 

Okay, so, as I mentioned earlier natural viagra can mean different things. For example, it might have to do with working on your libido by boosting your energy levels, checking your hormone levels, becoming more active, and trying out some herbal remedies. 

Let’s take a look at what you can improve in your lifestyle and body physique, which can also be considered as a “natural viagra” solution. After that, I’ll also briefly talk about whether you can use any natural supplements or plants as another form of natural viagra. 

Balance Your Hormone Levels

Lack of sexual energy and lack of libido has been connected with low levels of certain hormones, especially the hormone testosterone. Also called male hypogonadism, this condition causes nonsexual symptoms such as fatigue, a decrease in energy, loss of muscle mass, but more importantly, it causes a “decreased libido, decreased frequency of sexual thoughts, decreased frequency or rigidity of nocturnal erections, and ED”.  

The main reason why testosterone drops in men is age. A Harvard Health statistic states that men usually lose about 1% of testosterone levels every year. This starts in our late 30s and by the age of 70, it can even have a 50% drop! 

The good news is that testosterone levels can easily be determined. All you need to do is a blood test. After that, you can talk to your doctor. They can help you determine the best possible route for TRT or testosterone replacement therapy. Some of the options here include testosterone injections and topical gels (applied on the skin). Other treatments include patches, and also pellet implants which release hormones in the blood (also called absorbable pellet implants). 

Treating low testosterone levels may boost your libido

The Harvard Health article I mentioned earlier cites a 2016 study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. It shows how a yearlong testosterone therapy improved the libido of 275 men (with an average age of 72 years) who had issues with low testosterone. When they compared the results with other men in the placebo group, they found out that the “frequency of sexual arousal increased by about 50%, and they were able to have almost twice as many erections.” 

As you can see, looking into your testosterone levels is a good idea if you’re suffering from low libido. Talk to your doctor about the therapy you can take. The long-term consequences of low testosterone aren’t just detrimental to your sex drive. They can also increase the risk for heart disease, as well as cause problems with your prostate. 

Lack of Sleep or Poor Sleeping Patterns 

Not getting enough sleep can be detrimental to your health and self-confidence in many different ways. It can drain your energy levels; it can affect your cognitive abilities, make you more stressed, lower your sperm count, and it can also influence your sex drive. Not only because you’ll simply feel sluggish, constantly fatigued, and won’t have the energy for sex. But also because it may affect other functions of your body that consequently affect your sex drive. 

Like, for example, lack of sleep or poor sleep may also lower your testosterone levels. And from the section above, you saw how bad that can be for your libido. 

Another bad thing that lack of sleep can cause is erectile dysfunction or ED

A study from Germany, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine looked at 401 men who suffered from sleep apnea, a disorder that makes you lose breath during sleep and creates poor sleeping patterns. And the thing is, 70% of the men in the study showed signs of erectile dysfunction. So yes, as it turns out, poor sleep will make erections difficult for you, and that, in turn, may also affect your libido too. 

And this means only one thing. Working on your sleep schedule, and getting enough sleep is another crucial step you have to take if you want to improve your low libido. 

If you’re not sure how to do this, talk with your doctor or a medical professional about it. Maybe they’ll tell you to take some pills or try CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). Maybe they’ll also stress that you have to make dietary changes. For example, to eat foods that have a lower glycemic index, and that won’t cause sugar crashes throughout the day. Also, eating light meals 1-2 hours before bed, instead of stuffing your face and then struggling to fall asleep. 

Maybe it will also be necessary for you to tailor your sleeping environment. Listening to the needs of your body will help you have a better quality of sleep.

You’ll Need to Move More 

Lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle have been connected to the emergence of ED. This means they can also be connected to low libido and low sexual energy levels. The funny thing, however, is that sometimes too much exercise can also hamper your sex drive. 

So both too little and too much strenuous exercise can lower your libido. 

According to a study conducted at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, and reported in The New York Times, “men whose exercise routines were moderate or light in intensity or duration were far more likely to report moderate or high libidos than were the men whose workouts were especially prolonged or intense, even after the researchers controlled for age. (Older men tend to report less interest in sex, although not by much.)” 

But why is that? 

Well, the doctor who led the study, Dr. Anthony Hackney, who teaches at the University of North Carolina and is a professor of exercise physiology and nutrition says that it has to do both with low testosterone levels and physical exhaustion. 

So, unless you’re an elite athlete, scratch the strenuous exercise and keep to light or moderate sporting activities. Get moving, increase your energy levels, and exercise regularly. Try to fit in sporting activities at least 3 times a week. You can go jogging, cycling, swimming, try brisk walking or hit the gym and go for strength training. Start with as little as 30 minutes to an hour, and don’t give up. 

In fact, consider doing about 2.5 hours of physical activity a week. This amount, with moderate intensity, can be just enough to get your blood flowing. It will give you that much-needed boost of energy, and improve your sex drive. 

Can Natural Remedies Be Considered as Natural Viagra?

It’s a known fact by now that folk medicines and science don’t mix well. Scientists often tend to reject beforehand any claims about the effectiveness of natural remedies. One of the reasons why there’s such a discrepancy in studies. The other is, of course, profits and prioritizing of pharmaceutical companies. 

However, there’s also the danger of prioritizing profits. These are usually companies marketing themselves as ones who produce only natural cures for various conditions. They do this by making bogus claims that certain herbal remedies are the magic cure for a particular condition. When, in fact, the evidence is very slim or non-existent. 

So how can we even talk about natural remedies and “natural viagra” in an environment such as this? 

Well, we work with what we’ve got. Next, I’ll give a brief overview of some of the most common herbal medicines considered to be effective in boosting your libido. I’ll also include as many scientific studies as I can find and try to see whether the claims hold up or not. 

Let’s get started, shall we? 

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha is a shrub, whose roots and berries have been used as a natural remedy in Ayurvedic medicine and other indigenous practices for 3000 years. This plant can be found mostly in India, but also in the Middle East and certain parts of Africa. 

Ashwagandha is a plant that has had numerous uses (used as an anti-tumor, anti-arthritic, neuroregenerative medicine). But, according to studies, it has shown the biggest effect for anxiety and stress relief. A systematic review conducted by the SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York looked at literature (studies and human trials) on the effectiveness of Ashwagandha in the treatment of anxiety. Their systematic review concludes that the usage of ashwagandha resulted in “greater score improvements (significantly in most cases) than placebo in outcomes on anxiety or stress scales.” 

Another study conducted in India also came upon satisfactory conclusions about the safety and effectiveness of “high-concentration full-spectrum Ashwagandha root” in treating stress and anxiety. 

Okay, but what about its uses as a natural viagra?

Well, there really aren’t any studies that confirm success in men. 

One study, also conducted in India, says that ashwagandha can be useful in treating “female sexual dysfunction”, that it doesn’t have side effects and that it’s safe to use. 

But what guys and ED (erectile dysfunction)? Well here, unfortunately, there isn’t much evidence that ashwagandha is successful for that type of sexual performance issue. A study done by a university and medical institution in India that deal with Ayurvedic medicine showed that “Ashwagandha was not effective in the management of Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction when compared with placebo.” Psychogenic ED is a type of erectile dysfunction that occurs due to psychological, mental, or emotional factors.

So, as you can see, there is no definitive proof that ashwagandha can help boost your sex drive. Although, it probably can help you relax, which might positively affect your sex drive. 

Damiana (Turnera diffusa)

Damiana is another plant that has been considered an aphrodisiac in folk medicine. It’s a wild shrub that grows in Central America, as well as Mexico and the West Indies. The medicine people use from damiana is extracted from the leaf and the stem of the plant. 

A study conducted on mice, aka male rats, showed results that supported “the use of Turnera diffusa as an aphrodisiac in traditional medicine”. These were also results that suggested “possible therapeutic properties of Turnera diffusa on sexual dysfunction.”

Damiana has proved effective in boosting libido and potentially fighting ED or SD in large part because of the presence of flavonoids, organic compounds which have a mediating role in the interaction of the plant with its environment. These flavonoids have a similar mechanism of action to yohimbine, another organic compound that can be found in the Yohimbe plant, which I will talk about next. 

Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe)

The Yohimbe plant is a tree that originally grows in West Africa, but can also be found in Asia.  

Similar to damiana, Yohimbe has also been used as an aphrodisiac in folk medicine. What’s more, in the late 1980’s Yohimbe has been approved as a drug that comes from plants able to treat impotence in men. Also, it has been called “the “herbal viagra” in the February 1999 edition of Environmental Nutrition In Europe.” 

But how does Yohimbe affect your sex drive and help curb your sexual dysfunction?

Well, the first way is through the blood vessels. Yohimbe dilates the blood vessels and increases blood flow to the penis as well. This, in turn, positively affects your ability to have and sustain an erection. 

The other way is through the production of norepinephrine (also called noradrenaline). This is a hormone that plays a vital role in the occurrence of erections. According to this report by the Department of Pharmaceutics at the university Jamia Hamdard in India, on research done in the field, “this herb can restore potency even to diabetic and heart patients that were suffering from impotency due mainly to their diseases.” 

What’s more, “Yohimbe is also believed to act as a stimulant for the pelvic nerve ganglia and also to boost adrenaline supply to nerve endings. That leads to an increase in sexual sensation and stamina. In men without ED, Yohimbe in some cases appears to increase sexual vigor and prolong erections.” 

They cite a study in which a dose of 20mg of Yohimbe was given to 29 men who had troubles with ED and troubles orgasming. The men in the study were also allowed to take higher doses at home if they felt they needed them. 

Sixteen of the men “managed to reach orgasm and were able to ejaculate either during masturbation or sexual intercourse. A further three achieved orgasm, but only with the additional stimulation of a vibrator”. There weren’t any significant side-effects that would stop the treatment, and the use of Yohimbe, according to this study, was considered a useful treatment in men who suffer from orgasm dysfunction. 

What to watch out for

Even though the study above didn’t talk about any major side-effects, there are still a couple of things you have to have in mind about Yohimbe. 

The biggest problem with using Yohimbe is the dosage. There isn’t much research on how much it’s safe to take per day, and there often isn’t much information on how much of this bark extract the manufacturers put in their health supplements. 

If you take a bigger dosage from Yohimbe than you should, the potential side effects are: 

  • High blood pressure
  • Seizures and even heart attacks (in extreme cases) 
  • Stomach issues
  • Tachycardia 
  • Anxiety 
  • Rapid heartbeat 

Also, you shouldn’t take Yohimbe if you’re taking any antidepressants from the monoamine oxidase inhibitors type. These include phenelzine (Nardil) and tranylcypromine (Parnate). This is because Yohimbe can interact with these kinds of medications.

In any event, if you’re planning to take any kind of natural supplement for an aphrodisiac, it’s best to talk to your doctor first. 

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

Another plant that has been thought of as a natural aphrodisiac is the fenugreek. According to a 2011 study conducted in Australia, which looked at the product Testofen, a supplement containing Fenugreek also called Trigonella foenum‐graecum in Latin, this product “demonstrated a significant positive effect on physiological aspects of libido and may assist to maintain normal healthy testosterone levels.”

Sixty healthy men were included in the study, who didn’t suffer from erectile dysfunction, with ages between 25-52. Half of the men were given 600mg of orally taken Testofen, aka 300mg twice a day. The other half was given a placebo for 6 weeks. 

What they found out was that “Testofen had an overall positive effect on physiological aspects of libido. In particular, there was a significant increase in the subdomains of sexual arousal and orgasm”. Testofen also had an overall good effect on self-reported improvement in the quality of life, which included “satisfaction with muscle strength, energy, and well‐being”. The supplement, however, “did not have an effect on mood or sleep.” 

Fenugreek also can increase testosterone levels

Another study, also conducted in Australia, looked at aging males and whether the same product, the fenugreek supplement Testofen can improve the levels of testosterone hormone in their bodies. 

This study was also double bind. This means it included one group who took the real thing and another who took a placebo. Men between the age of 43 and 70 took part in the study. The ones who took Testofen, took 600mg a day for 12 weeks; the others had the placebo for the same amount of time. 

After the 12 weeks were over, the participants were given an Aging Male Symptom questionnaire (AMS) which looked at the symptoms of androgen deficiency (a deficiency of “male hormones” in males, including testosterone). And the other two indicators were sexual function, as well as the presence of testosterone in the blood. 

What the study found out was that “[t]here was a significant decrease in AMS score over time” and they also noticed an improvement in sexual function “including number of morning erections and frequency of sexual activity.” The levels of testosterone also increased “compared to placebo after 12 weeks of active treatment.”

All of this tells us that the fenugreek extract is likely to be a “safe and effective treatment” for reducing symptoms of low levels of male hormones. It can play a positive role in the improvement of sexual function, as well as the increment of the testosterone levels in the blood of “healthy middle-aged and older men.” 

Final Thoughts

So, what can we say the final verdict is on natural viagra? Can you boost your libido naturally? 

Well, as it turns out, “natural viagra” signifies more than just herbal extracts. It can also mean taking care of your health, checking up your hormone levels, exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, working on reducing stress in your life… All of these factors can influence your ability to feel and achieve pleasure, and get excited about sex. They can cause ED, hamper your erection, cause SPA (sexual performance anxiety), and even prevent you from having an orgasm. 

Issues with mental health, as well as relationship issues, low self-esteem, and past trauma can also do this. So it’s important to take care of that too. If you think that’s the reason behind your low sex drive, then talk to your partner, and also don’t shy away from talking to a therapist. A regular one will work, but talking to a sex therapist might be an even better idea. 

And from the studies I presented here, you can see that sometimes natural medicines do help with low sex drive. However, you should always be careful when it comes to using them since a lot of natural supplements out there aren’t properly regulated. That’s why it’s a good idea to consult with your doctor every time you think about trying one out. 

That being said, I hope you found this article on natural viagra useful, and I hope it helps with your sex drive as well! 

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